Embark on an exhilarating quest within the confines of the Library, a realm brimming with hidden treasures and enigmatic artifacts. The challenge lies in locating various objects scattered across this vast labyrinth, each accompanied by its distinct category. Your objective is clear: uncover all the items within a single category to gain additional clicks, which will be your lifeline in this intricate adventure. As you navigate through the shelves and nooks, a blend of strategy and sharp observation becomes essential. Each click matters; thus, prioritizing your search by focusing on one category at a time is crucial. You'll find yourself drawn to the sparkling baubles of ancient texts, the delicate whisper of scrolls, or perhaps the allure of whimsical curiosities. With a keen eye and unwavering determination, the Library's secrets shall slowly unravel, presenting you with the thrill of discovery. However, time is of the essence. Each moment spent in this captivating environment serves as both an opportunity and a constraint. The more objects you gather from a chosen category, the more clicks you unlock, fueling your pursuit of elusive artifacts. This cascading reward system keeps the adrenaline pumping, inviting you to delve deeper and explore every shadowy corner. Embrace the challenge, for within the Library lies not just the joy of discovery but the satisfaction of mastering the art of exploration. May your clicks be bountiful, leading to the ultimate triumph of unveiling every hidden gem.
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